The Brown Thrasher: How cool looking is this bird!?!? Those eyes! I shot this stunner along
Dead Pond Trail on Saturday, June 6
th. S/He was pretty cooperative, allowing me to take several (100) shots from different angles:)

I've always liked the brown thrasher but they tend to be pretty inconspicuous, hanging out in the underbrush scratching up leaves and debris in search of lunch.

I was happy for the opportunity to get great looks at this beauty and share some of my luck with you!
Thanks, T, for helping me with the luck!
Least Bittern Update: Nothing new to report. No one has seen the bitterns for several days now and it appears the nest has been abandoned:(
Gorgeous! I never have such luck with them - they're always under - digging and hiding from me :o)
What kind of camera equipment do you, lens, etc.? I just got a Canon EOS 50 D and am trying to use it a lot before I head to Alaska this Saturday. Just curious what you are using....great photos!
he is gorgeous :D very striking eyes
shame about the Least Bittern nest :(
Excellent photos! I love to hear the thrasher singing...and singing away..
Thanks Mary, JD, Dawn & Holly! Holly, I use Canon equipment and for these shots a 30D & 500 mm f/4 with 1.4TC. Looking forward to seeing some of your shots from Alaska:)
ha ha! No problemo :) Now if you could help me with the fuzzy creatures...
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